5 Questions: Chatting with IFBB Pro bodybuilder, Yorktown resident Alex Mitch – The Star Press - Grub Vibes



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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

5 Questions: Chatting with IFBB Pro bodybuilder, Yorktown resident Alex Mitch – The Star Press

YORKTOWN, Ind. — Alex Mitch remembers the day his life changed.

June 1, 2011. Mitch had spent months studying nutrition leading up to that day and it was then that Mitch decided he was going to “live as a bodybuilder.”

From that day on, Mitch, a Yorktown resident and Yorktown High School graduate, dedicated himself to bodybuilding. From getting up at 4:30 a.m. to do cardio, to eating seven meals a day to either coaching or working full-time at Mitch Dental Laboratory in Muncie and training after, Mitch’s life is extremely regimented.

The repetitive nature of bodybuilding isn’t easy, but it’s something Mitch, a self-proclaimed “creature of habit,” is able to do because he’s driven by his results.

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Mitch has competed in bodybuilding events for eight years now. He finished first in his division at the Indiana State championships in 2016, 2017 and 2018. He began competing nationally a few years ago and has steadily placed better in nearly every event.

Earlier this month, Mitch received the result he had awaited for years.

Mitch finished first in the middle weight (176 pounds) division at the 2021 NPC North American Championships and top-four overall, earning his International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) pro qualification card.

Now that he’s a professional, Mitch’s journey isn’t over yet. In some ways, it’s just beginning as he looks to take the next 1-2 years off of competing to add 30 pounds, eventually compete in — and win — a professional show and compete in the Mr. Olympia, which Mitch called “the Super Bowl of bodybuilding.”

So how did Mitch, who wrestled in the 103-pound weight class in high school, become a professional bodybuilder? What did earning his pro card mean to him and what’s next? Mitch took some time with The Star Press to discuss all that and more:

When did you start your bodybuilding journey?

“I can give you the exact date. It was June 1, 2011. I actually lived in Utah at that time. Prior to that date, I had wrestled my entire life — well, my entire high school career — so I’ve always lived in weights, I’ve always been in the weight room. I’ve always been intrigued by, you know, being able to put on muscle and look fit and look good. And, so, I always knew it required a lot of discipline with your nutrition, which I was not, in my younger days, I was not able to discipline myself to do.

“Several months prior to that June 1 date I had read and read and studied nutrition … I decided on June 1, 2011, I was going to live as a bodybuilder. And what I mean by that is bodybuilding is actually a lifestyle. It’s not just go to the gym for an hour or two and pick up weights and put them back down. You actually have to eat six to seven meals a day, you have to stay extremely regimented, you have to have a certain amount of sleep, you have to have a certain amount of water every day. It requires a lot of attention to yourself.”

Take me through the day of a bodybuilder from the meals to the training and everything in between that people may not know.

“It’s all different, there could be competition prep and then there could be my offseason. The competition prep is more exciting. … Basically, my day would start at 4:30 in the morning. I get up and I do roughly between 30-45 minutes of cardio. Then as soon as I get done with that, it would probably be 5:15 to six o’clock, I would get to eat my first meal. Then I would go to work. Around 9 o’clock, I would eat again.

“Then noon would roll around and I would eat my third meal of the day. Three o’clock, fourth meal of the day. And then, normally, I would start training around 5:15-5:30 (p.m.) and typical training could go from one hour and 15 minutes to one-and-a-half hours. Really just depends. Directly after that, if I have more cardio that I have to do, it could be anywhere from 20 minutes to another 45 minutes and then I would have my fifth meal directly after that, usually it’s around 7-7:30. And then I would eat my sixth meal around 9:30 and go to bed. That’s pretty easy to tell you because I eat the same meals every day. I have been at the same times for like the last three or four years.”

You’ve been doing your own general nutrition, bodybuilding services since 2016. How many people have you helped train to this point and why do you do it?

“It’s funny you ask that because I didn’t want to do it at first. I probably helped out over 30-some people, I would say. I’ve got a lot of clients that I have had for several years. It started in 2016 (and) the reason why I started is because I got approached by several people, ‘Hey, would you help me with this? Hey would you help me with that? Hey, would you help me with my nutrition plan? Would you look over my nutrition plan?’ For a long time, man, I did it for free.

“I was starting to look at it and I figured there are people that make that their full-time job. I was like, ‘I can make money doing this,’ and so I started charging for it and more people kept coming to me. I really get satisfied. It’s kind of like in the dental world, when I see somebody smile and I see the restoration that we made for them, it changes their life. This changes their lives, as well. I’ve gotten a guy to lose over 100-something pounds, I’ve got people in the best shape of their life. And just to watch them … just to see them excited and happy that that’s how they look now is pretty satisfying to me.”

You placed first in the middle weight at the North American championship national show; what did that mean to you?

“So I’ve been competing for eight years. When they announced my name as the winner, I always said that I’d probably be emotional, but I wasn’t emotional, not until I saw my family. It was kind of a relief, honestly. It was like, ‘Wow, I finally did it.’

“It wasn’t real at the time, I guess you could say. I really didn’t think about it too much, I was kind of stunned. But when I saw my family, they had a banner made for me. My wife, my son, my father and my mother-in-law, those four people have been at every show I’ve ever done. And, so, when I got off stage I saw them, there were a lot of tears that were flowing because bodybuilding, especially when you get down to the low carbohydrates, man, anybody is pretty irritable. They’ve had to deal with me for many, many, many years of doing this, so I think it was a relief to everybody that I won.”

Now that you’ve secured your pro card, what’s next for you?

“So, with me being a middleweight bodybuilder, I weigh in at 176 pounds. I know it seems like it’s pretty low in weight but really you’re sunk down pretty low to make the weight and then after you eat a couple meals you’re like 190 pounds again. But, in the pros, you only have the 212 weight class and then you have opens which you can be, you can weigh any weight you want. Me being 5-foot-5, the only place I have left to go is the 212 division because (with) my height I’ll probably never weigh more than 200-something pounds.

“And so, for now, I have to spend time eating more food and putting more muscle on in order to compete at that level. I will have to take off the rest of this year, all next year, and I will compete sometime in 2023. We have a show here called the Indy Pro. That is an idea that I may do, it’s in May of 2023. But my wife is also a bodybuilder and she’s currently pregnant, so she actually may be competing around that time because our son is supposed to be born in December. So I may not end up competing until the end of 2023. It’s going to be somewhere in 2023 is going to be my next show or competition.”

Robby General covers Ball State and East Central Indiana high school athletics for The Star Press. Contact him via email at rgeneral@gannett.com, on Twitter @rgeneraljr or phone at 765-283-8864.

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